Wednesday, January 21, 2009

We don't know where we are going...

After 'nailing the interviews', I was called to provide references and, thinking that I had the job for sure, Ivan, the boys and I went to The Cottage, a local daycare center, for a tour. While we were there I felt like I was holding back tears the whole time. I just couldn't stomach leaving the boys there every day, all day. NO WAY! I thought maybe it was just The Cottage and danced with the idea of visiting others, but after playing with numbers we realized that I would have to be paid over $5 more per hour than what I was asking in order for it to be worth putting the boys in daycare at all. After praying, we were at so much peace with the idea of me not taking the job, or any job for that matter. The only dispeace I had was when thinking about calling the company to let them know that I didn't want the job. So, the next day I received an email from them stating that they had hired someone else. THE LORD!!
Now, as for Ivan... he also landed a second interview, which was last Thursday. It went really well, they requested references and had him do a drug test... and nothing since. We have not heard anything.
Now we are just praying. Maybe Ivan will get that call tomorrow or the next day. Maybe he won't get the job, or maybe he will get an offer, but at this point we are really trying to discern what the Lord wants us to do. Maybe we are looking in the wrong direction??? Please pray!! God has been providing one day at a time. Like he always does. Just keep praying!

1 comment:

~j~ said...

I have been thinking about you all day today and can't tell you how I appreciate the update! thank you, we will be praying...